A collection of photos and documents that don’t fit into any categories at this time.

1877 Walling Map of Sandwich East
Created by H. F. Walling and published by R.M. Tackadury. Shows land owners.
Tweedsmuir / Women's Institute
The Tweedsmuir collection got its name from Lord Tweedsmuir, a Governor General of Canada. His wife, Lady Tweedsmuir, had a passion for writing and helped form the first proper library at Rideau Hall.
Groups of women from across the country formed local chapters under the name of the Women’s Institute. The various Women’s Institutes all contributed to the national Tweedsmuir collection.

Essex County Map - 1842
This 1842 Map of Essex County shows the Middle Road (46). My understanding is that it was originally constructed for the main purpose of moving troops to and from Fort Malden. The Middle Road intersects Talbot Road at Maidstone Crossing. In 1842, it was a poor road and only passable when it was dry. In Oldcastle, on Talbot Road the Downing Inn is located and at Maidstone Crossing the Colin’s Inn. In early documents this area is often referred to as the Irish Settlement.

Old Barns of Sandwich South - 2021
Sandwich South Township started out with settlers clearing land to farm. Farming roots run deep in the area with many still standing serving as a reminder of our past and present.
People In The Paper
A Miscellaneous collection of photos and stories of Sandwich South residents from the local newpapers.