The Olde Sandwich South and Area Historical Society was established in 1999. We are a group of volunteers dedicated to the preservation of the legacy of the former Sandwich South Township. This includes artifacts, memorabilia, and documents from the people and places within the thriving communities of the township.
Sandwich South was absorbed into the Town of Tecumseh as part of the provincially mandated county amalgamation of 1999. The Town of Tecumseh has generously built our heritage center on Walker road that is used to house our artifacts, memorabilia, and documents. It is also used as a meeting place and research center.

- Kevin Durocher (Chairperson)
- Judy Jobin (Treasurer)
- Wendy Pulleyblank-Cunningham
- Penny Esping
- Suzy Sykes
- Rita Ossington
- Judy Wellwood-Robson (Vice- Chairperson)
- Shaun Fuerth (Secretary)
- Suzanne Rau
- Barb O’neil
- Diana Hansen
- Corinne Chaisson
Myrtle Crowder
The majority of information found in the documents that detail the history of the communities of Sandwich South was compiled by Myrtle Crowder from the 1940’s to 1980’s. This was long before the internet, email, or even computers. She gathered her stories directly from residents by being very involved in the community. She was prominent in compiling the Tweedsmuir collection of documents. She was also a member of the Women’s Institute and St. Stephen’s parish. We are forever indebted to her for the information she assembled and passed on to us.